oral health

Preventing Decay While Wearing Braces

August 24th, 2012

Having braces can present some new challenges when it comes to oral hygiene. Preventing tooth decay can be a big challenge simply because of the tendency for braces to trap food under the wires and between the teeth and the brackets. Here are a few tips to keep your teeth healthy while wearing your braces:

1. Eat Braces-Safe Foods
Keeping your teeth from decay starts with a proper diet. Foods that are high in sugar or starch can cause more plaque which is difficult to remove during your brushing. There are certain foods that should be avoided while wearing your braces. First, sticky foods like caramel or gum can get stuck in your braces and be difficult to remove during brushing. Next, hard foods such as nuts and candy could bend wires or even break a bracket. Foods that are firm or hard to bite into like apples, carrots, or corn on the cob should be avoided. As much as we like to snack on them, those crunchy treats can harm your braces. Things like chips, ice, popcorn can also bend or break your braces.
On the other hand, bananas, mangoes, milk, water, poultry, and pasta all tend to be low in enamel-busting acids.

2. Proper Brushing
You want to place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gums in order to clean the whole tooth, and brush gently in the area between the wiring and the teeth. Use a softer toothbrush with fluoride paste for best results. Rinsing every day will help, too. Rinsing is important regardless, but especially important when you have braces as you need to disinfect the entire mouth, including those spots under the braces where your brush can't always reach.

3. Ask About Special Cleaning Tools
There are also special brushes, or other tools, to get under and clean your braces. You can also find many of these items at your local pharmacy.

4. Regular Teeth Cleaning
It's important to keep your routine appointments with your dentist and dental hygienist for a thorough cleaning twice a year or as directed. The exact frequency of these visits will be up to your dentist as some types of braces are more demanding of a regular cleaning than others.
As long as you practice good oral hygiene and follow these basic tips, you should have no problem keeping your teeth from decaying while you wear braces.

Preventing Decay While Wearing Braces

July 27th, 2012

Having braces can present some new challenges when it comes to oral hygiene. Preventing tooth decay can be a big challenge simply because of the tendency for braces to trap food under the wires and between the teeth and the brackets. Here are a few tips to keep your teeth healthy while wearing your braces:

1. Eat Braces-Safe Foods.

Keeping your teeth from decay starts with a proper diet. Foods that are high in sugar or starch can cause more plaque which is difficult to remove during your brushing. There are certain foods that should be avoided while wearing your braces. First, sticky foods like caramel or gum can get stuck in your braces and be difficult to remove during brushing. Next, hard foods such as nuts and candy could bend wires or even break a bracket. Foods that are firm or hard to bite into like apples, carrots, or corn on the cob should be avoided. As much as we like to snack on them, those crunchy treats can harm your braces. Things like chips, ice, popcorn can also bend or break your braces. On the other hand, bananas, mangoes, milk, water, poultry, and pasta all tend to be low in enamel-busting acids.

2. Proper Brushing.

You want to place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gums in order to clean the whole tooth, and brush gently in the area between the wiring and the teeth. Use a softer toothbrush with fluoride paste for best results. Rinsing every day will help, too. Rinsing is important regardless, but especially important when you have braces as you need to disinfect the entire mouth, including those spots under the braces where your brush can't always reach.

3. Ask About Special Cleaning Tools.

There are also special brushes, or other tools, to get under and clean your braces. You can also find many of these items at your local pharmacy.

4. Regular Teeth Cleaning.

It's important to keep your routine appointments with your dentist and dental hygienist for a thorough cleaning twice a year or as directed. The exact frequency of these visits will be up to your dentist as some types of braces are more demanding of a regular cleaning than others.

As long as you practice good oral hygiene and follow these basic tips, you should have no problem keeping your teeth from decaying while you wear braces.

June marks National Dairy Month!

June 13th, 2012

In honor of June Dairy Month, our team would like to thank all of our hard working families in the Dairy Industry.
In fact, dairy is important to your overall health! Regular consumption of dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, have been found to lower your chances of contracting periodontal disease (also known as gum disease).
Results of the study show that adults who consume at least 55 grams of lactic acid a day are less at risk for gum disease. Eating dairy is not just healthy for building strong bones, but is essential for maintaining a strong, healthy mouth.
Questions about which foods you should steer clear of and which you should enjoy during orthodontic treatment? Give us a call or ask us on Facebook!

Ask Dr. Zoka: "What should I expect during my initial consultation?"

May 7th, 2012

Great question! When you first come in for your initial consultation, Dr. Zoka will conduct a comprehensive examination to assess your oral health. This will better enable us to determine the best treatment method for you.

Your orthodontic evaluation will consist of an oral and facial examination to assess your oral health. We will have you take intraoral and facial photographs as well as panoramic and cephalometric X-rays to help determine the proper orthodontic treatment method. Then, an impression of your teeth and bite will be taken to construct a model of your mouth. (This will help us when examining your diagnostic records).

Then, we will discuss your options with you. Our team feels it’s important to take the time to carefully examine your diagnostic records after your consultation so that we can more thoroughly prepare for your treatment at Zoka Orthodontics. This additional preparation will ensure that you receive the best orthodontic care possible. At this time, we encourage you to ask us any questions you may have about your treatment.

If you are seeking orthodontic treatment for your child, our staff asks that both you and your child attend the initial consultation. We feel it is important that both you and your child completely understand the doctor’s recommendations before we proceed with treatment.

Give us a call today and schedule a consultation! We look forward to hearing from you!

May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month, from Dr. Zoka

April 30th, 2012

At Zoka Orthodontics, we know image is everything. At an age when image is so important, the thought of having braces may intensify the already-delicate confidence of today’s teens. Well, May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month, and during this time, parents are encouraged to act as positive role models, help stop negative self-images, and improve confidence and security among teenagers.

One of the great ways to improve your confidence is to improve your smile. And that begins with a free consultation to our convenient Camarillo, CA office. After all, what better time to avoid having crooked teeth in your adulthood than coming in for a consultation with Dr. Zoka?

We also proudly provide Invisalign Teen for today’s image-conscious teens and invite you to give us a call to schedule a consultation or ask us on Facebook!

Questions, questions...

March 26th, 2012

When you visit Zoka Orthodontics for your orthodontic consultation, you’ll probably have a lot of questions. We want you to be prepared for your appointment and feel in charge of your orthodontic treatment decisions, so keep these questions in mind to ask when you come in for your appointment:

• How long will I have to wear braces?
• Will getting braces hurt?
• Will I have to wear additional appliances to correct jaw problems while I have braces?
• What can I eat when I have braces?
• Are there certain things, like playing sports or playing an instrument, which I won’t be able to do?
• How can I make sure my teeth stay clean and healthy while I have braces?
• How often will I need to come in for appointments?
• How much will my orthodontic treatment cost?

Dr. Ray Zoka and team are here to answer all your questions and concerns, and we’re happy to explain all aspects of your treatment plan and expected outcome. We believe your orthodontic experience should be comfortable, hassle-free, and most importantly, leave you smiling! We respect your decision to receive treatment, and we are always here to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact our Camarillo, CA orthodontic office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zoka and learn about our comprehensive services. Call today!

What’s going on at Dr. Zoka’s office?

March 15th, 2012

Our focus has always been patient comfort, whether it is through using the state of the art heat-sensitive wires or dealing with the fear of unknown by explaining the procedures using the latest visual aids. We award our patients every month in four categories of

1. Headgear wear

2. Most consistent

3. Cleanest teeth

4. Greatest improvement

Recently we started a patient referral program where patients that refer another patient that gets started with orthodontic treatment receive $50.00 Visa card with our logo on it.

Every patient gets a T-shirt at the beginning of their treatment. Patients that wear their T-shirt to any of  their appointments receive a gift certificate to Baskin- Robbins.

My practice supports the local schools and athletic programs above and beyond in other orthodontic practice in Camarillo. That is why we are the most successful practice in Camarillo.

Ask Dr. Zoka: Are Braces Right For Me?

February 20th, 2012

Braces aren’t just for kids anymore! Regardless of your age, if you’ve always wanted to smile with confidence, but knowing that your teeth were less than perfect held you back, getting braces might be the solution you’ve been looking for. A straight smile can do so much for your self-esteem, and at Zoka Orthodontics, we want to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

In addition to the aesthetic benefits of orthodontic treatment, there are many health benefits as well. Teeth that are properly aligned are easier to clean and function more optimally when it comes to eating and speaking.

If you recognize any of these signs in your child or yourself, it might be time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Zoka.

· Early or late loss of baby teeth
· Difficulty chewing or biting
· Mouth breathing
· Sucking the thumb or fingers, or other oral habits
· Crowded, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth
· Jaws that shift, make sounds, protrude, or are recessed
· Speech difficulty
· Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the mouth
· Protruding teeth, teeth that meet in an abnormal way, or teeth that don’t meet at all
· Grinding or clenching of teeth
· Inability to comfortably close lips

Dr. Zoka will be able to assess your orthodontic needs during your appointment and explain all the wonderful benefits you can expect to receive during your time in braces. We look forward to seeing you or your child for a consultation!

Ask Dr. Zoka: What do you love about being an orthodontist?

February 13th, 2012

Let’s face it, people expect a lot from their orthodontist. Obviously they want their doctor to create for them a great smile, but they also look for someone who will have great chair-side manner and make them feel like they personally matter.

To quote Tom Cruise "help me to help you." I expect my patients to listen to our instructions and follow them, and do not follow what some of their peers tell them. All my patients brighten up my day when I see them, and I wish they would allow me to do the same by getting their braces off on time or at an earlier date by following our instructions about how to wear their elastics, how to keep their teeth clean and what food to stay away from. I love being an orthodontist and I love sharing the most impressionable time of teenager's life with them.

February is American Heart Month

February 10th, 2012

Did you know February is American Heart Month? It’s a great time to take notice of the health of your heart, says Dr. Ray Zoka. Cardiovascular disease remains American's number one killer, according to the American Heart Association. Studies have shown a correlation between gum disease and heart disease, underscoring the importance of good oral health care.

Visiting our office on a regular basis can help prevent gum disease or at least catch it in its early stages. And because people with dental insurance are more likely to visit their dentist when they should, a healthy mouth begins with a visit to Zoka Orthodontics. In observance of Heart Month, Dr. Ray Zoka says it’s also important to know your numbers: blood pressure (less than 120/80), cholesterol (less than 200) and BMI (less than 25). If you have any questions about heart health, or about your treatment at Zoka Orthodontics, please give us a call today.

At February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, from Zoka Orthodontics

February 2nd, 2012

With February being National Children's Dental Health Month, our team at Zoka Orthodontics thought we'd share a few good oral hygiene tips with our patients, courtesy of the American Dental Association, or ADA.

• Teeth brushing techniques: It takes only two minutes to properly brush, using short, gentle strokes and devoting extra attention to the gumline, areas around fillings and hard-to-reach areas such as the back teeth.

• Flossing: hold the floss snugly between thumbs and index finger and place between each of the teeth, making sure to go beneath the gumline and curving the floss around the base of each tooth.

• Snack wisely: choose healthy snacks such as vegetables, fruits and cheese and avoid sticky, chewy candies that can stick to the teeth. If you eat these snacks, make sure to brush after doing so.

• Carbonated or sugary drinks: these beverages create acids that can damage the teeth when mixed with saliva, so they should be avoided altogether. When drinking one of these beverages, avoid sipping on it throughout the day. Rather, have a drink and then brush your teeth.

• Regular dental visits: You should visit your dentist regularly (approximately every six months).

National Children's Dental Health Month, now in its 62nd year, aims to increase awareness about the importance of kids' oral health. If you have any questions about keeping your mouth healthy, or about your treatment with Zoka Orthodontics, please feel free to give us a call!

The benefits of a beautiful smile, from Zoka Orthodontics

January 25th, 2012

At Zoka Orthodontics, we know having an attractive smile puts a spring in your step—or two—as well as increases your self-confidence, no matter if you’re 14 or in your late forties. Smiling not only makes people happy and puts them in a good mood, doing it often can even help you live longer, according to previous studies!

If you’ve been hiding your smile because you have crooked teeth or gaps between your teeth, it’s time to consider orthodontic treatment at Zoka Orthodontics. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn how quickly and efficiently today’s most advanced correction techniques can straighten your smile!

Don’t hide your smile any longer—give us a call today to schedule yours or your child’s orthodontic consultation at our Camarillo office. See you soon!

Ask Dr. Zoka: "Which questions should I be asking?"

January 12th, 2012

Great question. The question patients should ask their dentist is "how often should I be seen for cleaning while I have my braces on?" Most adults, regardless if they are going through braces or Invisalign treatment, should be seen every 3 to 4 months. But I prefer if their dentist would tell them that.

The question most often asked towards the end of treatment is "when am I getting my braces off," which is a legitimate question to ask as long as it is not 8 months into a 24 months treatment.

I like all questions through out the treatment. That means they are engaged in their treatment and that keeps I and my staff interested.

The most important question that patients should ask that they do not is, "what can I do to make the treatment to go smoother?"

Access your account—anywhere, any day, any time!

December 12th, 2011

Access to your account, 24/7. Sounds simple and convenient, doesn’t it?

Patients at Zoka Orthodontics enjoy access to their account 24 hours a day, seven days a week—all through our website. You can look up your appointments and all of your account details at your convenience, all from the comfort of your own home! You can even receive appointment reminders through email or text messages!

You, too, may sign up for this convenient service on our website by clicking on the "Patient Login" button on our homepage. Please give us a call if you have any questions about getting started! Or, you may ask Dr. Zoka and team on Facebook!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Zoka Orthodontics!

Which foods should you avoid this Halloween season?

October 24th, 2011

Dr. Zoka says chocolate without nuts are okay as long as you suck on it and do not bite into it. But the main problem is the high sugar content of all sweets and not brushing after eating them. It takes the bacteria in the mouth only 20 minutes to produce enough byproduct (acid) to cause cavities. So we have a very short period of time before we should brush and floss to get rid of the accumulated plaque.

Also, be sure to check out our Facebook page to view our Halloween photos!

5 tips to avoid plaque, from Zoka Orthodontics

October 21st, 2011

At Zoka Orthodontics, we know nobody likes getting plaque on their teeth. Here are five other ways you can avoid that dreaded enemy of the teeth during orthodontic treatment, courtesy of WebMD.

Let’s start with brushing regularly.. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste is vital to a healthy mouth. Make sure you softly brush all the surfaces of your teeth.

Next on the list is flossing daily: a simple daily flossing between teeth clears away plaque before it can cause damage and can also clean plaque at the gum line. Plaque is known to reach the spaces between teeth.

Also, evading a trip to the dentist is probably not a great idea. Let’s say you brush and floss daily. You’re still at risk for plaque. With time, the plaque hardens and turns into tartar. Consider visiting your general dentist at least twice a year or as recommended by your dentist, and you have a lower chance of getting cavities or losing your teeth while wearing braces.

You’ll also want to stop avoiding those fruits and veggies. Believe it or not, there are foods out there that play a key role in keeping plaque off our teeth. They include apples, carrots, cucumbers and other raw fruits and vegetables. You can still eat these types of fruits and veggies if you have braces, but be sure to cut them up into bite sized pieces to avoid breaking off brackets.

Finally, before you pick up that candy bar, remember to not give in to your sweet tooth. Consuming sugary drinks or eating candy or other junk food allows sugar to stick to our teeth. The bacteria, then, becomes plaque, which turns into acid and damages our teeth. Avoiding these five bad habits keeps your plaque in check and your mouth as healthy as can be during your orthodontic treatment with Dr. Ray Zoka. If you have any questions, give us a call or ask us on Facebook!

Cold season is here, from Zoka Orthodontics

October 13th, 2011

Cold and flu season is here - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that a common cold usually includes sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and coughing. Symptoms can last for up to two weeks.

To promote a healthy and clean environment, Dr. Ray Zoka and our entire staff give a great deal of attention to sanitation and sterilization in our Camarillo office at all times, as well as following all requirements for sterilizing instruments and work surfaces. For the protection of other patients and our staff at Zoka Orthodontics, we always ask that patients reschedule their appointments if they have any type of cold or illness that can infect others.

And remember to constantly wash your hands and avoid contact with those who are ill! Stay Healthy!

October is National Orthodontic Health Month!

October 6th, 2011

For those who don't know, October marks National Orthodontic Health Month. Our friends at the AAO put together a helpful website that provides important information on protecting your braces, including tips for trick-or-treaters, braces-friendly recipes, facts about braces and treats you should avoid while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Zoka and our staff also recommend you check out the AAO’s website. If you have any follow-up questions about keeping your braces in tip-top shape, please feel free to give us a call, ask us on Facebook or ask Dr. Zoka during your visit at our office in Camarillo!

Have a great weekend!

Ask Dr. Zoka: “Where can I get more info about braces?”

September 29th, 2011

Great question! Besides here on Dr. Zoka’s website, which provides you with a plethora of information about all things braces and Invisalign, we would like to point you to a helpful website: Our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO, have provided lots of important information about everything braces, including myths and facts of orthodontics, tips for a better orthodontic experience and cool webisodes about orthodontics.

We encourage you to check out AAO today and feel free to contact us if you have any questions here on our blog or on our Facebook page.

Hope this helps,

Dr. Zoka & Team

September is Self-Improvement Month, from Zoka Orthodontics

September 14th, 2011

These days, Americans everywhere are putting greater emphasis on health, fitness and self-improvement, and more people are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their smile. September happens to be Self-Improvement Month, and our team at Zoka Orthodontics know that orthodontic treatment is an investment in self-improvement that will reap benefits for a lifetime. And, recent advances in orthodontia, such as Invisalign and more effective brackets and wires, now make orthodontic treatment more palatable for many interested in obtaining that beautiful smile.

Not only does orthodontic treatment give you that beautiful smile, it can also benefit your dental and general health. If teeth are poorly aligned, removing plaque and tartar by brushing and flossing alone may be difficult. A poor bite may result in fractured or excessively worn tooth surfaces, and the extra stress caused by a poor bite may even result in problems with your jaw joints.

If you’ve been thinking about getting that perfect smile, please feel free to contact our Camarillo, CA orthodontic office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Zoka and learn about our comprehensive services.

Tips for a successful school year, from Dr. Zoka

September 5th, 2011

At Zoka Orthodontics, we know a new school year brings a lot of stress for many kids. New classes, new teachers, new friends and new academic challenges can be overwhelming! That’s why we thought we’d provide a few steps for our patients to enjoy their time in school and succeed this upcoming school year!

• Get plenty of sleep every night. Eight hours is recommended.
• Eat a healthy breakfast as it’s the most important meal of the day.
• Pack a healthy lunch or make healthy choices when selecting your school lunch. Try to avoid the vending machine and limit your intake of junk food.
• Stay on top of your homework and reading assignments.
• Stay active. Limit the time in front of the TV or playing video games. Instead, try to get outside to get some exercise—go for a walk or ride your bike.
• Ask for help. When you are having a hard time understanding a concept, ask your teacher or your peers for guidance.
• Always have a positive attitude and a smile on your face!

We hope everyone has a productive and fun school year!

Ask Dr. Zoka: What’s the deal with coffee and tea?

August 24th, 2011

At Zoka Orthodontics, we know a lot of people enjoy a hot-brewed coffee or tea in the morning, followed by a cola (or more coffee) in the afternoon. But what many don’t know is that both coffee and tea are especially tough on your teeth – especially during orthodontic treatment – because tannic acid (the substance that makes the dark color) etches into the pits and grooves of tooth enamel, and can stain your pearly whites brown.

So, if you can't give up that morning cup o’joe, what can you do? Dr. Zoka and team suggest rinsing with a glass of water after every cup. If you enjoy iced coffee or tea, drink your beverage with a straw so that tannins don’t make contact with your front upper and lower teeth. Even if you’re not a big coffee drinker, we encourage you to swish and swallow some water at the end of each meal. Water, after all, helps neutralize acids left in your mouth after eating and also reduces cavity-causing bacteria.

And if you’re one of those folks who just needs their morning coffee or tea, Dr. Zoka and our team suggest using a colored ligature instead of a clear or white one. If all else fails, ask us to use tie wires instead of elastic ligatures as tie wires do not stain at all.

We hope this helps! Let us know if you have any questions below or ask us on Facebook!

When you need immediate care, we’re here for you.

August 8th, 2011

We hope you had a great weekend! At Zoka Orthodontics, we know true orthodontic emergencies are never convenient nor timely. If you are a patient of record, Dr. Ray Zoka and our team are committed to your dental health and are more than willing to see you after hours or over the weekend. As a general rule, you should call the office when you experience severe pain or when you have a painful appliance problem that you can’t take care of yourself. We’ll be able to schedule an appointment to resolve the problem. If you have a orthodontic emergency after regular office hours, please give us a call. If you are calling us after hours, please follow the emergency prompts to contact Dr. Zoka and team.

You might be surprised to learn that you may be able to temporarily solve many problems yourself until you visit our office.

Straight talk with Dr. Zoka

August 1st, 2011

Happy Monday! Some people wonder why our team at Zoka Orthodontics work tirelessly to give our patients straight teeth. Of course it’s nice to have a smile full of evenly aligned teeth, but did you know that straightening your teeth can keep them healthier? Straight teeth lead to better oral hygiene, increasing your chances of keeping your own natural teeth for a lifetime!

Straight teeth are also less prone to decay, because they collect less plaque, the sticky colorless substance that forms on our teeth and leads to tooth decay; and, they are easier to keep clean! And if you’re worried about the appearance of metal braces, we are proud to offer an alternative option for straightening teeth called Invisalign, which uses a series of invisible, removable and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you're wearing.

If you’re wondering whether your teeth might cause problems because they are out of alignment, please give us a call to book your appointment at our convenient Camarillo office. We can help you decide whether or not you will benefit from orthodontic treatment.

Questions? Give us a call ask us on Facebook!

Are you visiting the dentist during your orthodontic treatment?

July 19th, 2011

If you’re brushing your teeth twice a day during your orthodontic treatment, that’s wonderful! But, don’t forget that it’s also important for you to visit your general dentist every six months in addition to brushing your teeth and flossing (and visiting Zoka Orthodontics, of course). Regular dental checkups are important for maintaining good oral health.

Your general dentist can check for problems that might not be seen or felt, detect cavities and early signs of decay, treat oral health problems early and show you how to properly brush and floss your teeth.

During an oral exam your dentist can check the health of your mouth, teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue. Checkups will also include a thorough teeth cleaning and polishing. If you have not been to the dentist in the last six months, let us know during your next visit and we will provide a few great references in the Camarillo or Ventura area!

Are you wearing your mouthguard this summer?

July 14th, 2011

With summer in full force, our staff at Zoka Orthodontics thought today would be a great time to remind all our young athletes in treatment to take care of both their mouth and appliances while participating in sports – especially contact sports – this summer.

Only by using a mouth guard can kids with and without braces avoid serious sports injuries. The next time you’re in for a visit with Dr. Ray Zoka, we encourage you to ask us for a mouth guard! In addition, the American Association of Orthodontists has five quick tips for keeping kids safe during sport activities.

• Wear a helmet
• Stretch before and after a game or practice
• Wear protective eyewear
• Wear a face shield to avoid scratched or bruised skin
• Be observant, even as a spectator

We hope you’re enjoying your summer, and invite you all to share your summer photos on our Facebook page!

Mooove Over Gum Disease!

June 13th, 2011

Is dairy a major part of your diet? If not, it should be! A 2008 study from the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) found that regular consumption of dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, can lower your chances of contracting periodontal disease (also known as gum disease).

Gum disease is caused by a bacterial infection in the mouth that affects the gums and jaw. Gum disease results in a loss of teeth and bone, and has been connected to certain cases of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease and osteoporosis.

Results of the study show that adults who consume at least 55 grams of lactic acid a day are less at risk for gum disease. Eating dairy is not just healthy for building strong bones, but is essential for maintaining a strong, healthy mouth. Next time you reach for a quick snack, choose some cheese, or a glass of milk, and remember with each bite, and every sip you are preserving your teeth for a lifetime of smiles and good oral health!

And what better time to catch up on dairy - June marks National Dairy Month!

For more information about keeping your teeth healthy, call us or visit www.drzoka.com. You may also ask Dr. Zoka on Facebook!

Smile! June marks National Smile Month!

June 7th, 2011

Now that June is here, our team at Zoka Orthodontics thought we’d tell you June is National Smile Month, and a good time to remind all our patients to practice good oral hygiene between your visits to our convenient Camarillo office, as well as your general dentist to avoid cavities and gum disease, among other dental health issues.

That means you too, parents! After all, there's more and more evidence that suggests folks with gum disease are more at risk for serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes.

Below are a few simple steps you can take to improve your oral health so that you may celebrate National Smile Month for many, many years to come:

* Brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
* Floss everyday to clean between your teeth and braces.
* Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks during your orthodontic treatment
* Visit your dentist regularly (every 6 months or as recommended by your dentist)!

If you have questions about any of these tips, we encourage you to give us a call, ask Dr. Zoka during your next visit or ask us on Facebook!

Flossing with Dr. Zoka

May 31st, 2011

Dr. Zoka will tell you that keeping your teeth clean is more important than ever when you have braces. Food bits have more spots than usual to hide in your mouth, so you must be diligent in order to avoid bad breath, swollen gums, discolored teeth and cavities. If you remove plaque regularly during treatment, you'll experience better results and could possibly reduce your treatment time.

Here is a very concise video explaining the proper way to floss your teeth with braces. Give Zoka Orthodontics a call if you have more questions about flossing. Enjoy!

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